Symmetric Beam ZHJ18 Model 3 in 1 Vertical H Beam Welder Machine
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Symmetric Beam ZHJ18 Model 3 in 1 Vertical H Beam Welder Machine

A. Product Brief on ZHJ8018 Model 3 in 1 H Beam Fabrication Machine:
B. Technical Comparison on PHJ Versus ZHJ Series 3 in 1 Vertical H Beam Welder Machine:
C. Quality Control on PHJ and ZHJ Series 3 in 1 H Beam Assembly Weld Straighten Machine:
D. Technical Parameters of ZHJ18 Model 3 in 1 H Beam Welding Machine:

A. Product Brief on ZHJ8018 Model 3 in 1 H Beam Fabrication Machine:

1.  Characteristic:

1)  ZHJ8018 is the medium model of ZHJ series symmetric welded H Beam production purpose Automatic 3 in 1 Vertical H Beam Welder Machine. The largest web height of welded H Beam fabricated from this model is 1800mm. Please check attached picture and below:

2) Wuxi JACK ZHJ18 model machine fabricates on T Beam, as commissioning process before painting: (Fig.1)

Fig1 3 in 1 H Beam Welding Machine 239 _20250114183000

2. Major Working Steps in Sequence in 3 in 1 H Beam Welder Machine:

1) 3 Core Units: Checking from workpiece (Flange and web) incoming side, and in the direction of workpiece going forward, the three main working units in this machine is Assembly/ Welding/ Straightening units, which are installed and combined into an integral main body without dividing line;

2) Nomination: This is where the other name of the machine: 3 in 1 H Beam Assembly Weld Straighten Machine got from:

3) From top to bottom, 3 consecutive function units of: Assembly – Welding- Straightening, which work as an integral group but operate separately: (Fig.2)

Fig2 3 in 1 H Beam Assembly Weld Straighten Machine 42

3. Primary Process Technology of 3 in 1 H Beam Welding Machine:

1) Workpieces Feeding In: The raw materials for making welded H Beam in the machine: One piece of web and two pieces of flanges, which are long strip shaped steel plates, cut from CNC Strip Plate Cutting machine, are sent into the machine by way of its input conveyor roller tables 2 rounds:

The fabricated T Beam is hoisted onto input conveying roller table of the 3 in 1 H Beam Welder Machine: (Fig.3)

Fig3 3 in 1 H Beam Fabrication Machine 39 20140427_094308

2) T Beam and H Beam 3 in 1 Fabrication: The flanges and web are assembled/ welded /straightened into finished T Beam/ H Beam, with one time pass through the machine: The first round into ┷ shape (T Beam), and the second round into 工 shape (H Beam), thus being processed into the final workpiece (welded H Beam). This is the other name of the machine: 3 in 1 H Beam Fabrication Machine got from:

Lateral close distance view, on H Beam fabrication operation with SAW (Submerged arc welding) in Wuxi JACK machine: (Fig.4)

Fig4 3 in 1 Vertical H Beam Welder Machine 15

3) Finished Workpiece (T Beam/ H Beam) Sent Out: At the completion of these steel structure parts manufacture, the welded T Beam/ H Beam will be conveyed out of the 3 in 1 H Beam Welder Machine. Considering heat effect on welded H Beam after SAW, the first segment of output conveying roller table has uplift function, which is driven with powerful hydraulic oil cylinders:

At customer workshop, finished welded T Beam on roller tables of Wuxi JACK ZHJ18 model 3 in 1 H Beam Assembly Weld Straighten Machine: (Fig.5)

Fig5 3 in 1 Vertical H Beam Welder Machine 32

B. Technical Comparison on PHJ Versus ZHJ Series 3 in 1 Vertical H Beam Welder Machine:

1. We introduced Structure/ Main units/ Supporting units/ Welding Mode of PHJ and ZHJ series machine in previous sections of PHJ15, PHJ18, and ZHJ15 model machines, please check;

2. Comparison between PHJ and ZHJ Series Automatic 3 in 1 H Beam Welding Machine:

1) Primary Common: These two sub groups of machine share the basic same structure and working principle;

2) Differs in H Beam Assembly Section: The main difference lies in assembly unit of the machine:

This sketch gives one glimpse on difference between finished H Beam from PHJ and ZHJ machine: (Fig.6)

Fig6 3 in 1 H Beam Assembly Weld Straighten Machine 0C

a) PHJ series machine has semi-automatic mode: One side of its assembling unit with hydraulic drive, and the other side with manual handwheel turning. This is for the purpose of acquiring outcome assembling on asymmetric cross section T Beam and H Beam:

Lateral view on assembly unit of Wuxi JACK PHJ model 3 in 1 H Beam Assembly Weld Straighten Machine: (Fig.7)

Fig7 3 in 1 H Beam Fabrication Machine 135 IMG_0514

b) ZHJ series machine has its both sides of assembling unit fully automatic running: H Beam are fit up under hydraulic driven in phase:

Vertical close view on assembly unit and its running in Wuxi JACK machine: (Fig.8)

Fig8 3 in 1 Vertical H Beam Welder Machine 257_20250122215342

This gives the reason, why PHJ models machine can produce both symmetric and asymmetric welded H Beam and T Beam, while ZHJ series machine can only produce symmetric welded H Beam and T Beam, but in higher assembling efficiency.

C. Quality Control on PHJ and ZHJ Series 3 in 1 H Beam Assembly Weld Straighten Machine:

1. Overall View: Wuxi JACK has comprehensive quality managing system on all of our products, covering all aspect of quality control: 1st operation, fabrication, heat treatment, assembly and performance test, coating and painting, contamination Control, etc., and has full time engineer to manage it;

2. Internal Process Control: We set up series of IPV (Internal Process Validation) for self inspection by operators on their jobs, and QG (Quality Gate) by inspectors, on the critical assembling line of our products, including PHJ and ZHJ series automatic 3 in 1 H Beam Fabrication Machine

3. After Sale Service Promise: We have full time customer service quality assurance engineer to deal with all the feedback issues from customers. If ever issues happened with our products, including PHJ and ZHJ series 3 in 1 H Beam Welding Machine, we give feedback within 4 hours upon reception of notice from customers. First is ECA (Emergent Corrective Action), then upon investigation, give customer on formal analysis report covering Root Cause Analysis and PCA (Permanent Corrective Action);

4. One of the core legacies of our company is CI (Continuous improvement). With years of experience on PHJ and ZHJ series SAW 3 in 1 H Beam Welder Machine, we maintain the always improved status of this widely applied equipment, making it rendering better service for customers.

D. Technical Parameters of ZHJ18 Model 3 in 1 H Beam Welding Machine:

Technical Parameter

ZHJ18 Model Three in One

3 in 1 Vertical H Beam Welder Machine

T Beam/ H Beam Web Height

200 ∼ 1800 mm

T Beam/ H Beam Web Thickness

6 ∼ 32 mm

T Beam/ H Beam Flange Width

150 ∼ 750 mm

T Beam/ H Beam Flange Thickness

6 ∼ 40 mm

Workpiece (Welded H Beam) Length

3000 ∼ 15000mm (At customer demand)

Integral Working Speed of Assembly/ Welding Straightening

200∼1200 mm/min.

(Stepless, A.C. Inverter Control)

Height of Single Pass Welding Seam on H Beam

8~12 mm

Workpiece (Welded H Beam) Cross Section Outline

Symmetric only

Machine Overall Dimension(L × W ×   H)

28m × 4m × 4.5m

Process Drive Mode

Assembly/ Straightening: Hydraulic;

Welding: Electric

Welding Mode

Single Arc SAW (Submerged Arc Welding)/ CO2 MIG/MAG


1 ~ 1.5 (1.5 means a part time support)

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No. 2, Ouyang Road, Luoshe Town, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China
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