Three in One Integral Operating Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center
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Three in One Integral Operating Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center

1. Purpose of the Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center:
2. Composition of the Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center:
3. Advantages of the Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center:
4. Combination Way of Automatic Welding Center:
5. Models and Specifications of Welding Center:
6. The Instance of Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center:

1. Purpose of the Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center:

1) Application Case: The attached photos reflect on a Wuxi JACK small scale and light duty special made Welding Center, for performing welding on pipe flange with various sizes and specifications;

2) Welding Type: The welding can be not only circumferential seam welding around the pipe flange, but also longitudinal seam welding along the external surface of pipes;

3) Welding Mode: Such kind of special design Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center performs MIG welding on the delicate workpieces, in the ideal position of 45° fillet welding;

4) The welding equipment also for performing Pipe Flange fabrication is “Custom made Pipe Flange circumferential Welding Machine”, but only with capability of completing circumferential welding on pipe flanges.

2. Composition of the Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center:

As can be seen from the photos, this Pipe Flange Welding Center consists of:

1) One set of medium duty LHZ3030 model Welding Manipulator;

2) One set of 1 Ton loading capacity Special Made Welding Positioner;

3) One set of 2 Ton loading capacity light duty HLK Leadscrew Adjusting Special Made Welding Roller Bed, assembled onto the Special Made Welding Positioner;

4) Tailor made Welding Fixture, for clamping and securing different pipe flange workpieces firmly and reliably, during work of the Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center;

5) One group of MIG Welding power supply and assistant system.

3. Advantages of the Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center:

1) For completing on sophisticated welding job on complicated workpieces such as pipe flange, with the flexible combination of different welding equipment into Welding Center, the ideal welding quality can be got in expectable and persistent style;

2) And, in the case of manual welding, requirement on conforming to ergonomics condition can also be attained;

3) Several kinds of welding positioning can be adjusted with the welding equipment introduction into Welding Center, including Special Made Welding Positioner, and or Special Made Welding Roller Bed, and or Welding Manipulator, as well as Welding Fixture, Welding Turntable, etc.;

4) At some working site, solitary welding positioning unit, such as flat welding/ 45° fillet welding is not sufficient to carry out the designed welding technique. By this time, Welding Center of various combination is a requisite.

4. Combination Way of Automatic Welding Center:

There are numerous forms of Welding Center. Below lists several common used style:

1)  Welding Manipulator + Welding Roller Bed + Welding Fixture+ Welding Power Supply;

2)  Welding Manipulator + Welding Positioner + Welding Fixture+ Welding Power Supply;

3)  Welding Robot+ Welding Positioner + Welding Fixture+  Welding Power Supply;


4) As to welding power supply used in these sophisticated managed Welding Center, there are also series of options available, depending on adopted welding mode: SAW/ Strip cladding/ GMAW/ CO2/ MIG/ MAG /TIG;

5) Here the Pipe Flange Welding Center is adopted with MIG, considering feature of workpiece, as well as requirement finished product at customer site.

5. Models and Specifications of Welding Center:

1) As can be seen from the above introduction, automatic Welding Center varies on specific applications. There is no standard, or elementary type in practical application;

2) In other words, Welding Center is on the basis of several basic modules and units which are combined together, to form into a tailor made ones;

3) For this reason, in this and the subsequent 2 product sections, we will discuss on 3 typical examples, in daily practical use of business cases.

6. The Instance of Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center:

This kind of MIG Pipe Flange Welding Center is designed and manufactured for hydropower industry:

1) It was designed to fulfil on welding Al material pipe flange, which is an important raw material used in Hydropower Industry;

2) During working of the Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center, the Special Made Welding Roller Bed can be propped up by means of the leadscrew beneath it, to generate a certain tilting angle of the Welding Roller Bed, thus making the joint welding seam of pipe and flange in the perfect angular position of 45° for easy welding: (Fig.1

Fig1 Welding Center 1

3) The LHZ3030 model Welding Manipulator performs on external circumferential seam welding on the pipe flange workpiece, when the workpiece is adjusted to optimum position by means of the Special Made Welding Roller Bed;

4) In the process of MIG welding, the Special Made Welding Roller Bed revolves, driving the workpiece into rotation, for the convenience of external circumferential seam welding, which is completed by means of the LHZ3030 Welding Manipulator;

5) The span between the 2 sets of the Special Made Welding Roller Bed can be adjusted by means of leadscrew, to accommodate on varying length of the pipe flange welded in this automatic MIG Welding Center;

6) The control station put at the position between the Welding Roller Bed and Welding Manipulator serves as “brain”, of this tailor made Pipe Flange MIG Welding Center: (Fig.2

Fig2 Welding Center 13

7) Equipped with other kinds of welding power supply, this flexible arranged Welding Center can be used for welding other types of workpieces. The attached remaining 4 pictures show strip cladding welding head, which can be installed on front end of horizontal boom, in the LHZ3030 Medium duty Welding Manipulator.

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