Servo Drive Elevating Type Head And Tail Welding Positioner
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Servo Drive Elevating Type Head And Tail Welding Positioner

1. The Servo Drive Elevating type Head and Tail Welding Positioner:
2. Put into Use of Elevating type Servo Drive Head and Tail Welding Positioner:
3. Robots Working in Servo Drive Elevating type Head and Tail Welding Positioner:
4. Applicable Loading Tonnage of Servo Drive Welding Positioner:
5. Technical Parameters of Head and Tail Servo Drive Elevating type Welding Positioner:

1. The Servo Drive Elevating type Head and Tail Welding Positioner:

1) In the former product section of “High Precision Numerical Control and Servo Drive Welding Positioner”, which has fixed height of Weld Turning Table, we give the outline on this product sub group, in view of design, manufacture, technical features;

2) The above theory also applies to this product section of equipment;

3) Application of Servo Drive Elevating type Welding Positioner:

a) Application Field: Servo Drive Head and Tail Welding Positioner is used in the realm of automatic welding, which involves with requirement on high precision positioning in either angular position or coordination position, especially robot welding;

b) Advantage: Equipped with elevation capability, the welding positioning equipment can be applied for much more wider range of workpiece;

c) More Sophisticated Use: Equipped with the necessary assisting mechanisms working with robot and other automation units: Welding power source/ wire feeder/ welding fixture, etc., these Elevating type Head and Tail Servo Drive Welding Positioner compose into welding working station of various style, usage, and application site.

2. Put into Use of Elevating type Servo Drive Head and Tail Welding Positioner:

In this product section we will go on to generalize the servo motor drive welding positioning equipment from another viewpoint: --- practical application:

1) Control Logic in Servo Drive Welding Positioner:

a) The control logic of the entire welding station, movement of robot arm in coordination system is trajectory control, not point control;

b) This is the reason for the servo drive welding positioner, its precision specification on revolve and vertical movement of Weld Turning Table can be as precise as being controlled within the tolerance of ±0.05° and ±0.1mm respectively;

2) Welding Speed in Servo Drive Welding Positioner:

a) In conventional ordinary motor drive Weld Positioning Machine, which has its revolving speed of Weld Turning Table, or welding speed of the workpiece, is controlled with A.C. inverter;

b) While in this servo drive models, revolving speed of the Weld Turning Table and workpieces are controlled with servo driver, encoder and servo motor;

c) Converting the Weld Turning Table and workpiece revolving speed into linear velocity, it is around 3~10mm/s, or 180~ 600mm/min., depends on workpiece thickness;

3) Welding Technology Applied in Servo Drive Welding Positioner:

The welding technology applied here, is in majority various kinds of gas shielded welding, including CO2, MAG, MIG, TIG, etc., which usually have relatively small welding current.

3. Robots Working in Servo Drive Elevating type Head and Tail Welding Positioner:

1) There are several brands of robot setting foot in welding technology, including Chinese SIASUM, and overseas brand ABB, FANUC, etc.;

2) Each type of robot has its unique design and request on the working application;

3) For which we will confirm and make best solution with customer on specific robot chosen, as well as corresponding required mechanical structure and other technical details, for this package of servo drive equipment;

4)  TEACH IN and Operator Skill for Servo Drive Welding Positioner:

a) Also, to have the best outcome from robot welding, TEACH IN process is necessary every time for a batch of new workpiece is to be welded;

b) For this reason, for the operator of welding work station, including robot itself, as well as Head and Tail Servo Drive Welding Positioner, request on their welding technique skill is reduced, while on knowledge of robot operation and automatic control is raised.

4. Applicable Loading Tonnage of Servo Drive Welding Positioner:

1) Considering precision requirement on welding performance, and power of servo motor used, the servo drive models are usually confined to 3 Ton and less loading capacity of Weld Turning Table: Light duty and medium duty;

2) For the counterpart of light duty in conventional ordinary motor drive Weld Positioning Machine, please check product section of “LBS10 L type Elevating type model”.

5. Technical Parameters of Head and Tail Servo Drive Elevating type Welding Positioner:

This series of product is special made, for which technical specifications are determined based on specific customer demand.

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