The large model equipment in this product section is the “jumbo” in sub group of Head and Tail Elevating type Welding Positioner: For Weld Turning Table loading capacity of 10 Ton and above, the equipment should be classified as heavy duty ones.
1) This group of heavy duty models shares the similar structure and control principle as light and medium duty elevating type;
2) Meanwhile, with the increasement on loading capacity of Weld Turning Table, several technical special points are significant for operation of these large welding positioning equipment. Please check below segments.
1) Under max. loading of the Weld Turning Table, fluctuation on revolving speed of workpiece around horizontal shaft should be kept within ±5%;
Wuxi JACK 30 Ton loading capacity heavy duty elevating type Head and Tail Welding Positioner being erect and installation: (Fig.1)
2) The three control motion axis of workpiece in elevating type Head and Tail Welding Positioner, shown in below photo: (Fig.2)
a) Horizontal axis 0°~360° revolve of horizontal boom (Yellow frame);
b) Weld Turning Table rotation 0°~360° (Orange frame);
c) The entire working cell elevation (Blue frame);
For detail introduction, please check product section of “Three Degree of Freedom Head and Tail Welding Positioner”. These three degree of freedom do not exhibit shaking phenomenon even under max. loading of the welding equipment.
1) Structure of this Large Welding Positioner, if designed properly, should be like this: For the entire set of the heavy duty elevating type welding equipment, in the process the workpiece is fit on the Weld Turning Table and the horizontal beam revolves, the gravity center of horizontal revolving should be approach, or, in best condition, coincide with the revolving axis of horizontal beam;
2) In this way, it can reduce revolve torque of the boom and Weld Turning Table in great extent. This is a critical factor for the large Welding Positioner operation.
1) Large Heavy duty Welding Positioner usually involves large size of workpiece. So, for on its site layout, you should consider whether there is potential risk of interference between workpiece and floor surface when the Weld Turning Table and workpiece is revolved to its bottom position;
2) This is the reason that, it is not uncommon that to have a pit dig right beneath the horizontal beam and Weld Turning Table at customer running workshop;
Large pit beneath for leaving space for revolve of workpiece in facility: (Fig.3)
3) Another issue needs to be paid attention to is for circumferential welding, that rotation speed of Weld Turning Table and workpiece should be calculated based on its rotating radius and required welding speed. And check whether this rotation speed is within the range of boundary of the Heavy duty Head and Tail Welding Positioner.
Supplementary Climbing Appliance for Large Welding Positioner:
1) Welding job performed here is usually in the height of high level, or “in the air”;
Climbing staircases in Heavy duty Elevating type Head and Tail Welding Positioner: (Fig.4)
2) Supplementary units should be used to raise height of operator. For example, climbing ladder of proper size and structure, or electric elevating platform, etc.
Every product in this series of product is personalized and tailor made. Its technical parameters depend on specific application case.