

H Beam Production

Plate Process

Steel Structure

Automatic Welding

CNC Machine




A. The Subject of this Page on Wuxi JACK Welding Column and Boom:

1. This page is for comprehensive introduction on Wuxi JACK Welding Manipulator and Welding Center in the way of concise graphical summary, covering topics of:

1) Product range and application;
2) Technical, business and operation strong points;
3) Measures on safety assurance;
4) Configuration and put into use of the Column and Boom Automatic Welding Equipment;
5) Application Cases of the Welding Manipulator and Welding Center;
So that customers and anyone who has interest on this superior product of Wuxi JACK can have a general impression, with an intuitive, brief and efficient review;
This page is compiled on the basis of introduction slides “Wuxi JACK Welding Column and Boom”;


B. The Function and Usage of LHZ series Column and Boom Automatic Welding Equipment:

1. Function: Welding Column and Boom is a kind of requisite and indispensable welding equipment, for fabricating cylindrical working parts of diversified diameters;
2. Usage: It usually works with Welding Rotator, to be composed into Welding Center of different models;

3. Welding Center consisted of Wuxi JACK LHZ3030 Welding Column and Boom and Self Adjusting Welding Rotator, for fabricating cylindrical workpieces: (Fig.1)





C. For Deep Down Exploration on Business and Technical Details of Wuxi JACK Welding Manipulator and Welding Center, please visit Thematic product pages of:

1. Welding Manipulator;
2. Welding Column and Boom;
3. Welding Center;
4. Welding Rotator

D. The General Introduction and Technical View on Wuxi JACK Column and Boom Automatic Welding Equipment:

Slides 1: The Complete Line of Configurations and Models of Wuxi JACK Welding Column and Boom for Customer Choice:

This page of Slides is on product scope of Wuxi JACK Welding Manipulator, which covers full range of:

1. In terms of workpiece size: Models are from LHZ2020 to LHZ8080, with horizontal and vertical stroke of boom from 2000mm by 2000mm, to 8000mm by 8000mm;
2. In view of boom end loading capacity: From light duty 80kg, to medium duty 120kg, to heavy duty 500kg;

3. On the aspect of Operating style of LHZ series Column and Boom Automatic Welding Equipment:

1) Movable or Not: Welding Column and Boom can be either works in the way of stationary base bed, or moving trolley along rails;
2) Column Revolve or Not: The upright column of Welding Manipulator can be either fixed, or with revolving capability;
3) Manual or Motor Drive Column: For column revolving style, it can be either in the way of manual pushing, or motorized revolving;

4. Multiple Application Options of the Welding Manipulator:

1) Welding Center: Working with other welding equipment, especially Welding Roller Bed, to be formed into Welding Center of various configurations;
2) Other Process Technology: Or, besides welding, the LHZ series Welding Column and Boom can also be applied for Assembly, painting, test, ... etc.;
5. Driving Mode of the Welding Column and Boom: Either driven with common seen ordinary A.C. motor, or servo motor;
6. Standard or Special Made structure of the Column and Boom Automatic Welding Equipment.

Slides 2: The Three Critical Control Points of Wuxi JACK Welding Manipulator:

This page of slides starts on introducing the three crucial control points of Welding Column and Boom:


1. Cross slides for guiding X/ Y axis movement of boom in the Welding Column and Boom:

This is the central working action of the Welding Column and Boom, for accommodating varied diameters of workpiece, and performing welding operation;

2. Safety Assurance on Running of the Welding Manipulator:

1) During working of the Welding Column and Boom, its horizontal boom rises to higher level, which has potential danger risk of falling down and do harm to people around;
2) Besides, column revolving may do harm to adjacent operators;

3. Solid Upright Column of the Welding Column and Boom:

Especially for large models, such as from LHZ40xx, the solid and perfect erected upright column, is critical on determining performance and stability of the Welding Manipulator.

Slides 3: The Structure and Workmanship of Cross Slides in Wuxi JACK Column and Boom Automatic Welding Equipment:

This page of Slides is for illustration on the 2 types of cross slides adopted in Wuxi JACK Welding Column and Boom:

1. Light duty Welding Manipulator: Shown in the left photo, there are 4 pairs of rollers equipped in the V cross section cross slides, giving flexible and smooth movement of boom along both X axis (Horizontal direction) and Y axis (Vertical direction);
2. Medium and Heavy duty Welding Manipulator: Shown in the middle and right photos, there are 8 groups of rollers in cross slides; With 3 pieces of rollers in each group, which lean against three surfaces of rectangular rails, giving stable and reliable movement of boom along both directions.

Slides 4: The Complete Safe Operation of Wuxi JACK Welding Column and Boom:

This page of Slides is on graphical demonstration on measures taken for safety assurance of Wuxi JACK Welding Manipulator:


To prevent sudden falling down of boom during running of the Welding Column and Boom:
1. Motor for driving boom elevation is braking type;
2. A row of rectangular safety holes cut into the upright column, shown in the left and middle photos, for being plugged with safety pins in case of contingency;
3. Limit switches: Installed at both ends of movement stroke;
4. Boom elevation transmission: Shown in the right photo, leadscrew in light duty Welding Column and Boom; Chain and sprocket in medium and heavy duty Welding Manipulator.

Slides 5: The High Strength Solid Upright Column in Wuxi JACK Column and Boom Automatic Welding Equipment:

This page of Slides is on upright column, which is the most important assemblies in Welding Column and Boom:


1. Vertical Stroke of Boom in Welding Manipulator:

a) Similar to DX series Beam End Face Milling Machine, in LHZ series Welding Manipulator, the No.1 important specification of this welding equipment is vertical stroke of boom;
b) For example, LHZ50xx Welding Column and Boom refers to 5000mm vertical stroke;

2. Development and Workmanship of the Upright Column in Welding Column and Boom:

Correspondingly, the three critical process control points during design and manufacturing the Welding Column and Boom are:

1) Design and Machining in Order to Delivery of the Welding Manipulator:

a) Leaves sufficient margin of the column cross section size during design;
b) Integrally precisely machined;
c) Heat treated for guaranteeing mechanical property;
2) Guiding Rails: Heavy duty precise rectangular cross section guiderails for guiding boom movement in the Welding Manipulator;
3) Column Revolve: The right photo shows the precise slewing support for guiding of the column revolve.

Slides 6: The Multiple Welding Modes Available for Choice in Wuxi JACK Welding Column and Boom:

This page of slides is on various optional welding modes available in Wuxi JACK Welding Manipulator.


The most often selected types are:
1. Strip cladding for built up layer of hard facing on laying surface of workpiece;
2. GMAW CO2 gas shielded welding for fabricating light duty workpiece;
3. SAW (Submerged arc welding) for large current fabrication on medium and heavy duty workpieces.

Slides 7: The Rich Varieties of Function Units Equipped in Wuxi JACK Welding Manipulator:

This page of Slides is on the various types of function elements equipped in Welding Column and Boom, depending on application scenario and customer demand:

1. Different structure and design welding seam tracker, catering for different types of welding modes, such as Strip cladding and SAW;
2. Welding Wire Straightening Unit: After certain distance of feeding forward, the welding wire may grow crooked, which affect welding performance of the Welding Manipulator. This straightening unit is for straightening the welding wire;
3. Welding Torch Cross Slides: This unit is for adjusting position of welding torch, before official working of the Welding Column and Boom;
4. Welding Power Supply Control Console: It is installed at front end of horizontal boom, for convenience of Welding Manipulator operation;
5. Welding Flux Hopper: This unit is selected under SAW working mode of the Welding Column and Boom;

6. Camera and Graphical Monitor in Welding Column and Boom:

1) These function cells are adopted, during internal welding of workpieces in Welding Manipulator;
2) When it is inconvenient or difficult for operator to get access inside workpiece, and can not check welding operation directly;
3) The camera and graphical monitor are for operators conveniently checking welding process instantly.

Slides 8: The Different Configurations of Welding Center, Composed from Wuxi JACK Welding Column and Boom, with Welding Rotator:

This page of Slides is on the two business cases of Wuxi JACK Welding Center:


1. The Left One: SAW and Strip Cladding Welding Center from LHZ5050 Welding Column and Boom:

1) Welding Modes: This Welding Center has two welding modes of SAW and Strip Cladding, which was exported to Russia in 2014;
2) Configuration: It is composed of a set of LHZ5050 Welding Column and Boom, and 4 groups of HLK80 hydraulic drive Bolt Adjusting Anti-drifting Welding Roller Bed;
3) Application: Customer of this Welding Center is from Oil and Pipeline Facility, for producing natural gas and petroleum tanks;


2. The Right One: GMAW Welding Center from LHZ3030 Welding Manipulator:

1) Welding Mode: This Welding Center is adopted with CO2 gas shielded welding GMAW;
2) Configuration and Workpiece: It is composed of LZH3030 Welding Manipulator, and HGK50 5 ton leadscrew adjusting Welding Rotator, for fabricating thin wall non-ferrous pipes;
3) Application: Customer of this Welding Center is a company from Pharmaceutical Industry.

Slides 9 to 12: The Broad Customer Base of Wuxi JACK Column and Boom Automatic Welding Equipment, as well as Welding Center:

1. These 4 pages of slides give photos on some successful business cases of Wuxi JACK Welding Column and Boom, together with composed Welding Center;


2. These business cases cover wide variety of model, size, and configuration of Wuxi JACK Welding Manipulator, configured with Welding rotator.



Welding Column and Boom Blogs

  • General View on Welding Turning Roller;

    Structure and Usage of Hydraulic Welding Roller Rotator;

    “High End” Product: Anti-Drifting Welding Roller Rotator;

    Design on Some Special Welding Roller Bed;

    Summary on Wuxi JACK Welding Roller Rotator
  • Usage/ Nomination/ Strong Points/ Category of Welding Pipe Rotator;

    Self Adjusting Pipe Welding Rotator;

    Leadscrew Adjusting Welding Rotating Table;

    Bolt Adjusting Welding Roller Rotator;

    Some Special Made Welding Pipe Rotator;

    Summary on Wuxi JACK Pipe Welding Rotator
  •  What is Pipe Welding Rotator and its Function/ Classification;
     Working Principle of Welding Rotating Turning Roller;
     Operation Merits of Welding Rotating Roller Table;
     Maintenance on the Pipe Welding Roller Rotator;
     Summary on Product Family of Pipe Welding Turning Rotator
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