Milling Process Guide on Wuxi JACK Steel Beam End Face Plate Milling Machine
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Milling Process Guide on Wuxi JACK Steel Beam End Face Plate Milling Machine

Views: 2526     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2025-02-06      Origin: Site


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Milling Process Guide on Wuxi JACK Steel Beam End Face Plate Milling Machine

Background of this Short Blog on Steel Structure BOX H Beam Face End Milling Machine:

1. Business Case: In Jan. 2025, Wuxi JACK finished production on a set of DX1535 model special design casting End Face Plate Milling Machine, which will be shipped to customer based in East Europe in middle of Feb. 2025. During machine acceptance stage, customer asked on technical document, on detailed guide on milling process operation with this machine;

2. Subject: This article is redraft on the above mentioned technical instruction, which is expanded to all models of DX series Steel Structure BOX H Beam End Face Milling Machine, be summarized into an universal guide:

3. Topics Covered on Milling Operation of Steel Beam End Face Plate Milling Machine:

  • Usage and Application of the Machine;

  • General Steps of Operating the Machine;

  • Various types of Working Speed in the Machine;

  • Milling Cut Process Parameters of the Machine;

  • Fitting Up and Secure Workpiece into the Machine;

  • Summary on Technical Advantages of Wuxi JACK Steel Beam End Face Milling Machine

A. Usage and Application of Steel Structure BOX H Beam End Face Plate Milling Machine:

1. Function: This machine is an indispensable equipment tool first being found in Steel Structure industry, for fulfilling on rough and high efficient polishing on end faces of all kinds of working parts: BOX Beam/ H Beam/ Cross Beam...:

Finished workpieces with its end face cut from Wuxi JACK machine: (Fig.1)

Fig1 Steel Structure Beam End Face Milling Machine 153

2. CNC Controlled Beam End Face Milling Machine:

1) Extended Use: With time going, this machine sees its application being expanded to more production realms: With introduction of CNC controller as control center of the machine, and servo motors as driving source on milling operation, the CNC controlled Beam End Face Milling Machine can be used on machining all kinds of workpieces with “special outline” of cross section: The most valuable are for: Tank/ pipe/ tube/ custom made type...:

2) Various special cross section working parts, with its end face milled from Wuxi JACK CNC controlled Beam End Face Milling Machine: (Fig.2)

Fig2 Steel Structure Beam Face End Milling Machine 1

3. Broad Range of Workpiece Sizes for Wuxi JACK Steel Beam End Face Plate Milling Machine:

As the leading supplier of the machine in industry, Wuxi JACK provides superior quality equipment with full line of models, covering all sizes of workpieces, from several hundred millimeters height, such as 500mm, (Or even 200mm ~ 300mm), up to 6,000mm height:

1) Light models for small workpieces: DX08xx (Included) ~ DX12xx (Excluded):

Wuxi JACK DX0815 model works on steel plate, with specification of 800mm Max. cutting height: (Fig.3)

Fig3 Small End Face Plate Milling Machine 102 CIMG2051

2) Medium models for medium size workpieces: DX12xx (Included) ~ DX20xx (Excluded). This series covers the largest using volume of the Steel Beam Face End Milling Machine:

Wuxi JACK DX1515 model works at South Korean customer facility, for end milling on H Beam: (Fig.4)

Fig4 Beam End Face Plate Milling Machine 101

3) Large models for large and heavy workpieces: DX20xx (Included) ~ DX60xx (Included):

Currently (By Feb. 2025), only Wuxi JACK in Chinese Welding and Cutting Machinery industry, that can really (Means with genuine experience and technique, and production capability), to develop these special sized Steel Beam End Face Milling Machine for customers:

Wuxi JACK DX6080 model large machine, being erected and assembled at Vietnam steel structure customer workshop: (Fig.5)

Fig5 Large Beam End Face Milling Machine 38_20230808161330

B. General Steps of Operating Steel Structure BOX H Beam End Face Milling Machine:

No matter which kind of workpieces for processing, with which model of the machine for operation, there exist common points in overall routine of machine operation job, with variations in detail under different specific scenario:

1. Loading and Secure Workpiece into Steel Beam End Face Milling Machine:

This includes hoisting the steel parts onto hydraulic drive clamping roller table of the machine, which usually with 2 ~ 3 sets of the rack, and firmly clamp the workpieces under oil cylinder drive:

1) The first set of roller table (Adjacent to mainframe, or operating center of the machine) is for holding workpiece with downward acting hydraulic drive pressing rod;

2) The second to third set of roller table (Far from mainframe) is for clamping workpiece with lateral acting hydraulic drive pressing rod:

See below photo:

Clamping large tank assembly part into Wuxi JACK DX1520 model pipe End Face Milling Machine: (Fig.6)

Fig6 Pipe End Face Milling Machine 72

2. Performing End Facing Process Technology in Steel Beam End Face Plate Milling Machine:

This majorly includes:

1) Select Proper Cutter Head and Cut Blade:

For cutter head, the default configuration of Wuxi JACK machine is DX200. When customer has special requirement, such as this DX1535 customer asked on larger ones for cutting on casting, then D315 cutterhead can be prepared by Wuxi JACK:

a) D315 and D200 Cutter heads supplied with DX1535 Casting Face End Milling Machine: (Fig.7)

Fig7 End Face Plate Milling Machine 3 and 4

b) Cutter blades as consumables of BOX H Beam End Face Milling Machine: (Fig.8)

Fig8 BOX H Beam End Face Milling Machine 4_20240826165149

2) Set Up Horizontal and Vertical Direction Milling Speed:

a) The entire end face milling operation is combined two dimensional planar machining, integrating X and Y axis movement. The milling velocity is majorly based on: Material of workpieces/ Designed cutting roughness:

b) Operating panel with 2 pieces of speed turning knobs and digital display, for adjusting on and displaying horizontal and vertical way milling speed, in Wuxi JACK Steel Beam End Face Plate Milling Machine: (Fig.9)

Fig9 Face End Milling Machine 8 IMG_20140802_062754

3) Milling Cutting Depth: The cutting depth of milling of each time should be about 3 ~ 6mm;

3. Take off finished milled workpieces from the machine at completion of operation;

4. Daily routine regular maintenance service on the machine should be properly and strictly carried out.

C. Various Types of Working Speed in Steel Beam Face End Milling Machine:

1. For Special Made DX1535: The user's workpiece is a casting. Accordingly, end face milling speed can be 350 ~ 600mm/min.;

2. End Face Milling Speed in Steel Beam End Face Plate Milling Machine:

1) Rule of Thumb (Empirical Data): Milling tools of Wuxi JACK machine can mill horizontally and vertically. The recommended end face milling speed is 200 ~ 800mm/min.;

2) The milling speed is adjusted by two pieces of individual A.C. inverters along horizontal and vertical direction respectively, of stepless speed regulation, and digital display:

3) Operating panel with 2 groups of knobs and meters, for milling speed real time digital display: (Fig.10)

Fig10 Beam End Face Milling Machine 311_20250108163228

3. Linear Speed of Milling Blade: Generally, according to quality of milling blade, the linear speed should be selected to 220 ~ 260m/min.

4. Revolutionary Speed of Cutterhead in Steel Beam Face End Milling Machine:

Below is general guideline for selecting milling work speed. These data are accumulated by Wuxi JACK engineering team with years of work:

1) When using DX200 cutterhead for end face milling, its perimeter is 200*3.14=628mm,revolutionary speed =(250m/min) / 0.628m= 398rpm.

2) When using DX250 cutterhead for end face milling, its perimeter is 250*3.14=785mm,revolutionary speed =(250m/min) / 0.785m= 318rpm.

3) When using DX315 cutterhead for end face milling, its perimeter is 315*3.14=989mm,revolutionary speed =(250m/min) / 0.989m= 253rpm.

D. Milling Cut Process Parameters of Steel Beam End Face Plate Milling Machine:

1. Revolutionary Speed of Milling Head in Steel Beam End Face Milling Machine:

1) Manipulators: There are two pieces of handles to adjust on revolutionary speed of milling head (Note that when adjusting on the revolutionary speed, be sure to turn off power of the milling head first);

2) Spindle Revolutionary Speed: The two handles can adjust on 6 levels of milling head spindle revolutionary speed. (The 6 levels of revolutionary speed of 50Hz motor are: 75,115,165,240,345, 505rpm respectively). See below photos:

a) The 9.3kW Taiwan produced E-LONG brand milling head, equipped with DX1535 model casting steel Beam End Face Milling Machine: (Fig.11)

Fig11 Steel Beam Face End Milling Machine 320

b) The nameplate pasted onto cover of the milling head, indicating on the 6 levels of spindle revolutionary speed: (Fig.12)

Fig12 Steel Beam End Face Plate Milling Machine 324

2. Empirical Data Recommended by Wuxi JACK on Steel Structure BOX H Beam Face End Milling Machine:

1) When using DX200 cutterhead for end face milling, the reasonable revolutionary speed is (250m/min) / 0.628m= 398rpm.,please select 345rpm.;

2) When using DX250 cutterhead for end face milling, the reasonable revolutionary speed is (250m/min) / 0.785m= 318rpm.,please select 345rpm.;

3) When using DX315 cutterhead for end face milling, the reasonable revolutionary speed is ((250m/min) / 0.989m= 253rpm.,please select 240rpm.

E. Fitting Up and Secure Workpiece into Steel Beam End Face Milling Machine:

1.  Technical Specifications: There is a positioning stop on the back of the cutterhead, which is exactly the same diameter as the spindle of the milling head. After the positioning is installed, the cutterhead is installed by fixing it with 4 pieces of bolts. The shape and size of the cutterhead are as follows:

Catalogue on dimensions and fitting sizes of cutter head: (Fig.13)

Fig13 Steel Structure BOX H Beam End Face Milling Machine 321

2. Tools for fitting on spindle of Taiwan produced E-LONG milling head, which is equipped with this time DX1535 model machine, also matches with cutterhead, and confirms to international standard of ISO50:

Cutterhead and its convenient fitting tool(Fig.14)

Fig14 Steel Structure Cross BOX H Beam End Face Milling Machine 323

F. Summary on Technical Advantages of Wuxi JACK Steel Beam Face End Milling Machine:

Cutting Edges: Wuxi JACK produced casting pipe BOX H Beam Face End Milling Machine has series of exclusively owned technical capabilities, which provide more convenience and outstanding performance of milling operation. This can be briefly summarized as:

1. Slant Trace Milling Available: With 2 pieces of A.C. inverters installed in the machine, (Other companies’ produced machines only have 1 piece of A.C. inverter), the milling head can move along horizontal and vertical directions simultaneously, thus acquiring on oblique milling trace;

2. Available to Mill on Oblique End Face of Workpieces: With capable of turning milling head 0° ~ 45°, Wuxi JACK End Face Plate Milling Machine can not only work on straight end face workpieces, but more powerfully, work on workpieces with oblique end faces:

Wuxi JACK machine has milling operation on H Beam with 45° end face(Fig.15)

Fig15 Steel Structure Cross BOX H Beam End Face Milling Machine 3A

3. Real Ability to Work on “Special” outlined workpieces: This is benefitting from our CNC controlled Beam End Face Milling Machine:

Wuxi JACK CNC-DX1520 model machine being installed at customer facility: (Fig.16)

Fig16 CNC Controlled Steel Structure Cross BOX H Beam End Face Milling Machine 110

4. Higher Milling Productivity and Better Milling Performance from Steel Beam Face End Milling Machine:

1)This is benefited from the 7.5kW/ 9.3kW high power milling head configured in Wuxi JACK machines. (Comparatively, other producer companies’ manufactured machines only have 5.5kW power milling head), thus acquiring on larger cutting depth of each milling stroke:

2) The 7.5kW power milling head, being configured in Wuxi JACK End Face Plate Milling Machine: (Fig.17)

Fig17 CNC Controlled Steel Structure Cross BOX H Beam End Face Milling Machine 73

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